Saturday, January 09, 2010

Sports Update

Andrew is no longer undefeated in the 100yd Backstroke! He came in third to a swimmer from Beaverton, and Southridge's freshman prodigy decided to do backstroke too. Still, Andrew was only 0.7 off his P.R., and he had been sick - as all of us had been after Christmas.
Mali has her first Futsal game today with her soccer team. Futsal is an indoor version of soccer played on hardwood floors with a smaller, hard ball that doesn't bounce much.

Saturday, January 02, 2010


Andrew and Mali took the train to Tacoma from Portland and I scooped them up for a night at Grandma and Grandpa's. The morning of Christmas Eve I handed out some presents:
They asked for new Vans (shoes), which they got. Also included:
Magnetic Bucky Balls (and a little magnetic dude - not shown)
Magnetic Bucky Balls

and new gloves, fingered AND fingerless.
New Gloves