Sunday, September 30, 2007

Another Victory

Mali's team won 1-0 today on a very exciting last minute corner kick. Mali played great, though most of the team did a lot of standing around. It was a happy surprise that they won.

Xtreme Victory, Stumptown Comic Fest

Mali's team won 5-0 in Milwaukee Saturday. Afterwards we went to the Stumptown Comics Fest where I got to meet some of my favorite comic artists: Phil Foglio of Girl Genius, Aaron Diaz of Dresden Codak, and Carol Lay of Way Lay.
We only stayed an hour so we could get Mali home to go Maddie B's birthday sleepover. Andrew didn't come with us as he was off to Maddie Q's birthday bowling party.
I hobbled around like an old man. I hurt my back somehow - probably gardening - and I haven't been able to straighten up (or stand up, roll over, or much of anything else.)

Here's a photo of Mali being brilliant at her game:
Mali Chests the ball

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Southridge Victory

Andrew's team played Aloha H.S. last night, which has three of his old teammates. Southridge played brilliantly, with lots of short, smart passes, and won 5-2. Here's a shot of Andrew clearing the ball for the defense.
Andrew kicks a ball
Mali didn't bring a jacket and got cold, so sat in the car for most of it. Her friend Hannah didn't show up.
Afterwards we had a fun time at the Reedville Cafe for dinner - Susy's idea. We'll go back, they had a huge menu of interesting looking things, and it's fairly nearby.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Southridge Back-to-School Night

Andrew got stuck going with us to his back-to-school night because of traffic problems on the way home from allergy shots. This was lucky for us, since we had a guide to navigate to all of his classes. Most of his teachers seem very good - his Japanese teacher was very funny, and his English/Social Studies team seemed like a lot of fun too.
He didn't have soccer after school today, so Rian and Tiana came home with him, and Eric joined them and they all played poker for awhile.
Mali had her first Acting Workshop after school today. Rachel is doing it with her, and they both had fun with it - after the initial scare - Mali had to go to the office to retrieve her permission slip.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Tuesday Poker

Susy and I met for lunch at Shiraz - a little hole-in-the-wall Persian restaurant - the only indoor seating was a long and very tall counter. The food was delicious! We had gyros and hummus and baklava. Moose came with me, but sat in the car while we ate. He loves to go on car trips.
Tonight we played poker - Susy quickly ran out of her dollar of chips, and I lost 15 cents. Mali eeked out the win, beating Andrew by 20 cents. She was pleased.
Dinner was sausage and macaroni and cheese for the kids. I combined the leftover zucchini soup into a can of tomato-basil soup, and it was really good. Of course, it's hard to mess up when you start with Susy's Zucchini soup.

Andrew soccer

Andrew played well yesterday except for scoring an own-goal in their 3-1 loss. Afterwards we went to GoGo's for dinner, came home and played hearts. Andrew lost. It really wasn't his day. But he does love GoGo's.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Soccer, Juice Joint, Homecoming

Mali Soccer -
Mali's team won 4-0 in McMinnville Saturday, and lost 1-0 at home yesterday. Mali played great, as usual. Actually, she was sort of asleep the first half of the first game, but THEN she played great. There's lots of soccer photos of Mali's team (some of Mali) at:
Here's the latest of Mali from MY Flickr stream:
Mali has good form, running

Murder at the Juice Joint - Saturday night we went to the local Wine Styles shop to play a dress-up murder mystery game. Also there were: Robert and Jennifer, Paul and Nancy, and NancyD. Alana won best actress - I swear she never went out of character once. Susy went all out and really looked the part of a flapper girl/actress. I was Detective P.I. Pinkerton. I'll post some photos after I get them off Alana's camera.

Andrew news -
We have learned that Andrew is going to the homecoming dance next month with a cross-country running friend of Tiana's. Rian was over yesterday and somehow the topic came up. Here he is on the phone at Mali's game Sunday morning. Who's he talking to?
Andrew on phone

Saturday, September 22, 2007

More soccer

I was wrong - Andrew's team had another game yesterday. They tied it up at 2-2 only to give up a final goal with just a few minutes remaining to lose 3-2. They play again on Monday. Charag was playing for Westview, but I didn't even notice him until Andrew told me at halftime.
Andrew kicks the ball.
Mali came too, and watched with her new classmate Hannah, who's brother is also on the team.
Mali watches with her new classmate

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Andrew's team won 5-1 today, against a team that looked good. I was worried until the first goal - the first 5 minutes the other team was shooting on our goal - but then they just started rolling in. Kyle got the second one, so we were all happy for him.
Andrew played great, playing most of the game. Southridge looked really good, with lots of smart passes and some great shots on goal. It was fun to watch. They play again Monday and Friday next week.

We all went and watched. Susy was home early because she has now left for work again - she is working with the night shift tonight so won't be home until after 5:00 AM tomorrow.

Highland Park Back-to-School night

Susy and I met Mali's teachers last night at Highland Park Middle School. They all seemed very nice and on the ball, though the Literacy Arts teacher never got around to telling us what the kids are actually studying. Mali has the same teacher for Social Studies and Science - an unusual combination. Her math teacher is a big guy who was the head baseball coach at Beaverton H.S. until this year. I think she's a little intimidated by him, but he seems a very sweet guy - gushing about his 4 and 2 year old girls. She's also taking music now, where they're learning to read music - every kid has a keyboard to play - and headphones! Later in the year she'll be taking "Leadership", where they will learn Robert's Rules of Order.

More soccer

Mali's team looked tired Sunday, and eeked out a 0-0 tie. This afternoon we're going to see Andrew play. Susy gets to go because she's leaving work early so she can return later to work with the night-shift folks.
Here's a photo from Saturday's game. Note the cowering opponent.
X2_ 030 Mali

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Sara spends the night

Mali's old friend and new locker partner Sara spent the night last night, then went with us to Mali's soccer game at Gresham H.S. We also took Alex, who needed a ride. They lost 1-0, but Mali played great - one of her best games ever.
Andrew didn't go, staying home and watching the U.S. Women's world cup victory over Sweden, then watching Hotel Rwanda. His teacher suggested it (and The Last King of Scotland) since his High School has a sister school in Uganda.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Late Night for Andrew

Andrew's soccer team played S. Eugene yesterday - 2 hours away. They left before school was out, and he got home after 11:00. His team lost, but their varsity won.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Mali's New Dance Class

Mali likes her new dance class. She knows one person in it already: Heather from her old soccer team. She showed me her latest dance move - some jive-y, kick-boxing inspired thing that actually looked pretty good.
Susy had a very long day today - she went in before 7:00, then picked up Mali at soccer at 7:30 on her way home. Then we met Alana at Coffee Rush for gelato to celebrate her birthday tonight. The big party is tomorrow at Deborah's.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Andrew plays soccer!

His team lost 2-0, but he played great. His leg isn't bothering him. Yay!

I'm cooking him a pizza now. Mali had a sandwich and is at her new dance class.

Lazy Sunday

We mostly cleaned the garage - actually making good progress. Then we spent the evening at the pool, after Kyle called to ask Andrew to go. We picked up Rian and Zoë on the way. It was fun, crowded with people we knew, and the weather was perfect. It closes after next weekend. Sad.
Here's a photo of Andrew trying to convince his mom he's too tired to clean the garage. He seemed to recover nicely once we got to the pool.
Andrew and Susy

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Home Again!

I'm back after three days in Redmond and the monthly poker game in Kirkland.
I took Andrew to the doctor this morning to get him cleared to play soccer next week. He swears his leg is healed.
Mali just had a game - they won 1 - 0. Now she and I are headed to the pool to meet Andrew.

The first week of school has passed. Andrew watched his soccer team beat Catlin-Gabel on Friday 4-0, then watched the football team lose.
Mali earned Positive Raiders for her entire music class when she named every kid in the class after the teacher failed in his attempt.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

First Day of School!

Andrew has to leave at 7:05. Mali at 8:30. Andrew was fine today, in the general excitement. The long haul is bound to provide some interesting mornings.
First Day of School!

Monday, September 03, 2007

Labor Day

I cooked Grandpa's salmon for dinner - it came out great. It was intended for the smoker, but Paul's been gone all week and his smoker has been giving him troubles lately. Below is a photo of Susy and Mali peeling the corn for dinner.
After dinner all four of us played Monopoly. Mali won again.
The kids are nervous and excited about school starting tomorrow. Andrew's worried he won't sleep again.

Sunday, September 02, 2007


Yesterday, Susy and I disappeared with Pablo and Alana and played golf. On our return, Susy went to bed, and I made dinner for the kids. Then we played Monopoly, where Mali cleaned our clocks. This morning, she's playing against herself, practicing.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

School Orientation

Mali finally found out her hall Thursday when the mail came. She called Andrew from Rachel's house to check it at 3:00 - and there was much rejoicing, as she and Rachel are in the same hall, though different classes. They will share lunch period and possibly some specialty classes. Red Hall, formerly known as 'A' Hall.

Friday was orientation day for both kids/schools. Neither one was particularly informative, they still don't get their full schedules until the first day of school.
Mali's Orientation Day OutfitAndrew watches TV with Moose