Wednesday, November 30, 2005

We're home!

We made it! Quite a shock to come out of our Mexican Summer to Christmas trees and lights and music everywhere.

Yesterday our last day of cruising was full of fog (I guess that was our transition). The boat's foghorn went off every couple of minutes all day. We played a lot of ping pong, and played bingo for the final jackpot. We had a nice dinner one last time with Irene and Melissa, and said our goodbyes before we went to bed. They were leaving early in the morning in the first group off the boat.

We left towards the end, opting to stay on the boat as long as possible. We had a nice breakfast, then played more ping pong, before heading out nextdoor to Pier 39. Andrew took a box of Fruit Loops off the boat and he and Mali fed it to the pigeons, while Susy and I looked around. Then Susy played bag-lady with the luggage and read her book while I bought the kids some fudge, and Mali got a new, cheap watch. We spent several hours at the airport, with Mali announcing the time to us whenever it occured to her, occasionally by-minutely.

Alana the wonderful then picked us up at the airport and now we're home and going to bed. Andrew has finished his homework and his marathon phone call with Carly, we have an explosion of dirty laundry in the hall downstairs, and all of our trinkets and such are out in the kitchen. Hopefully we'll be all recovered by next week!

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