Thursday, February 09, 2006


Mali and I got thrown out of the school gym today. I was expecting it, but she was quite shocked. I told her we'd go see if we could sneak in and play some basketball, and we did, without any actual sneaking. Then the monitor from the Y showed up and was puzzled by us, but let us play for awhile, then finally told us we weren't supposed to be there. Mali ran to the nearest exit. I told her to wait, and she did, but the minute I turned she was out the back door.
We got a good half hour of practice in. She finally did a layup correctly, hopefully she'll do it again. She is getting better.

We got Andrew's application to Summa faxed in. I made him redo his essay a couple of times, and he ended up very happy with it. I didn't help him, except to tell him to give it some organization. It started out almost stream-of-consciousness. (Kind of like this blog.) He wasn't happy with me, I think, but he was very impressed with the final result, as was Susy. He has a much snappier tone to his writing than anything I've ever done. I should post it. I'll see if I can get his soft-copy tomorrow and hide it online somewhere. UPDATE: Here's his essay. He had to answer 4 of 6 questions, and he picked: special skills, favorite subjects, career plans, and why Summa?

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