Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Back-to-School Night for Andrew (with update below)

Andrew has the greatest teachers! I missed the first half (Spanish, PE, speach from principal) while at Mali's soccer practice, so only met his "core" teachers: math, science, social studies, and language arts. They are all wonderful, and of course think the same of Andrew. Here is the general link to Highland Park.
The big change this year, according to the teachers: No Late Work Accepted. They all mentioned this, as that is a change for them as well. Apparently the high school teachers asked for that. Also, his algebra teacher, Mrs. Norse, said "I'm sorry if your child is already stressed out about math this year." She has been warning them that it will be a challenging year, and the homework so far has been difficult - not overly long - just... challenging.
** UPDATE **
All their assignments are on the internet, I have added links (on the right) for each of his classes, if you'd like to see what they're assignments are. The Science, Social Studies, and Language arts are somewhat interesting. Algebra is just the page and problem numbers assigned. Click through "assignments" and then the date/week to get to the text.

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