Wednesday, November 21, 2007

soccer 2007 ends

Mali's team battled hard in their last game of the year, but lost 1-0 against their main rivals. They lost every game in this tournament, but they were playing against teams in the league above them - their coaches wanted to challenge them. Mali has been playing great lately, we're really proud of her. She plays defense, and they have a great defense, and they have given up very few goals while Mali was in the game. She's the speedy one. She is taking a break and is not going to play indoor with most of the rest of her team. We're all a bit burned out on soccer at the moment.

I just dropped Andrew off at his 5:30 AM swim practice. He goes again tonight for more time trials. Mali has her last drama/improvisation workshop tonight after school. We're picking her up and driving North to the grandparent's for Thanksgiving.

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