Monday, October 27, 2008

High School Musical, and Gogo's Grill

I picked up Mali and Andrew at 4:00 yesterday to go see High School Musical, Mali's choice, followed by Andrew's favorite restaurant: Gogo's Mongolian Grill. We were half an hour early for the movie to fight the crowds, but there weren't any, in spite of it being this weekend's top flick. The movie was better than I expected, I had the stupid songs going through my head through dinner.

The evening contained a game between the kids to count the number of Priuses seen, and was full of hilarious arguments over what constituted a legitimate sighting - especially clever was the probabilistic approach employed by Mali as we passed large parking lots.

Returned to my empty apartment and pieced together more furniture. It is approaching completion - I still need beds for the kids, lamps, and endtables. Yet to be picked up are a loveseat (from Dave and Susan), and a TV (from Dad and Mom). Tuesday I head back up to Washington - I've a class to take for work starting Wednesday.

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