Friday, March 27, 2009

Game Day.

Andrew, AndrewF, and Matias came over for a bout of various games Friday. We started with Hearts, then tried some crazy card game of Matias's. (Must get the name.)
Then we switched to ApplesToApples and Scattergories, then drove AndrewF home before his 6:00 deadline. Andrew and Matias came back with me, and we played two quick games of Settlers of Catan, then watched the sad end of the Kansas basketball game. (Ahead by 15, they lose by 5!)

Between games of Settlers, AndrewF called to say he could see us from his house. In the ensuing flashing-light and laser-waving chaos, the cinnamon dessert pizza was neglected and burned - especially sad for Andrew since his sausage-pepperoni half of the pizza accidentally had onions all over it.

I drove back to Seattle after dropping Andrew and Matias off, to rest and prepare for Saturday's beerfest.

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