Monday, May 23, 2005

Wedding Shower

Mike and Anna's wedding is coming soon! Saturday we drove to Washington, bringing Susy and Mali to Anna's wedding shower. We arrived so Ridiculously late that Andrew and I crashed the party, attacking the leftovers (cucumber cream-cheese sandwiches, chicken grape sandwiches, blueberry coffecake, baby cheesecakes, and a tableful of other delicious foods I can't remember because of the sugar coma I slid into) while catching up with everyone.

Above: The M. girls together.
Below: Mali and Ashley toast.
Above: Lori looks on while Andrew amazes his grandma with his new iPod.
Below: Andrew shares his musical taste with Amy.

After the party we went home to Grandpa to continue with Andrew's birthday-month festivities! He was thrilled to get Apples to Apples, and we subjected Grandma and Grandpa to a game of it after dinner.

For dinner we were treated to Andrew's requested steak fondue along with an impressive array of side-dishes for all of us picky eaters: Wonderful warm potato salad, lettuce salad, asparagus, sugar-snap peas, noodles and cheese, and Susy's deviled eggs. Grandpa, Susy and I also enjoyed smearing Lori's brie and blue-cheese dip all over our asparagus and steak.

Then Grandma worried Andrew, heading downstairs to retrieve his "birthday pie." He bravely smiled, probably thinking of some mixed-fruit pie that he would have to endure while the rest of us raved about it. We all enjoyed watching his relieved smile and eyes light up when Grandma put a (delicious!) black-bottomed ice-cream pie in front of him.
I'd have pictures of all this fantastic food, but I was too busy eating it.

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