Thursday, December 22, 2005


We had visiters last night, and their little dog too. I forgot about Maple, the worlds cutest toy poodle. Pete gave me a CD by switchfoot, which looks very good, but everyone is asleep right now so I haven't listened to it yet.
Susy and I both worked, so we just ordered pizza, which everyone seemed very happy with. Mali saved the day with dessert - a little something she whipped up after seeing it on a food show: A brownie with cream cheese on top and a design of chocolate syrup. I'm betting it gets made again, as it was very tasty, and quite beautiful. And she did the whole thing herself, except for the part where she wrote me a little note while I was on the phone working that said, "I need cream cheese." Walgreens had it, which I had to go to anyway.

Yesterday, we completed our first ebay sale. This is possibly to be Andrew's money factory. He sold his BUM luggage, and Susy helped him package it and I dropped it off at the Post Office. All that's left now is the hopefully positive feedback we will get. If all works out, he can help people sell stuff for a small cut. The professionals here charge 30%, so 20% should get him some business and still a nice return.

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