Saturday, December 31, 2005

A non-holiday!

Yesterday we stayed home. Wow.
Leftovers for dinner, we have enough for a week. After dinner we played our new game: Scotland Yard. I played Mr. X running around London while Susy, Andrew, and Mali played detectives trying to catch me. Fun. (I won)
Afterwards I FINISHED painting our bedroom. It is now a deep, dark, relaxing purple. We are reassembling our bed and moving all the furniture back. Mali is out with Zoë and family at a Narnia play. Andrew is over at Alana's watching football on her TV. He was updating his pool spreadsheet and discovered two games on TV now. You should have heard the yell when he went downstairs and rediscovered that we have no TV.
When Mali gets home we are going to go buy a new one, but not HDTV. We will wait on that one. Hopefully I'd like to have one in time to watch the World Cup this Summer.

Tonight we wil be having our New Year's festivities at Pablo's place. Same old group, but we're missing Alana, who is in Sun River, and we get to celebrate with Tom, Tsulan, and Tiana this year, who are not in Hawaii for a change.

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