Monday, July 10, 2006

World Cup weekend

Pablo and his new bike made me rediscover mine and we went for a couple of rides this weekend. Yesterday we went to the Hillsdale farmer's market and bought berries for his new ice-cream maker, and so ate ice-cream at Paul's last night with our delicious and HUGE smoked ribs.
Susy and the van rescued us and our bikes at the Safeway, so we just missed the start of the World Cup final. Matias touched the already shaky cable from the wall to the TV just before halftime and it went out. Susy went out and bought another cable while we watched downstairs, suffering through some non-HD viewing. We only missed recording about a half-hour of it. Rocio's father, Isaac, requested Rocio record it for him - he and Marianne will be here in a couple of weeks. We think he'll like seeing it in HD. The difference is astounding.

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