Saturday, December 09, 2006

Friday Night

Mali went to Lexi's Ice Skating show and was very impressed with Lexi's abilities. She came home and showed us some of the moves, and announced she wants to go to Sun River for three days and skate! The details were fuzzy - it's just something she wants to do.

She caught a ride to the show with Lilly, so Susy, Andrew, and I finally watched the DVDs Susy got last week: Highlander and Highlander II. What a disappointment! There was a good TV show, and books, and still more movies, but these two movies are horrible. The first one was watchable, though it's from 1986 and hasn't aged well. I certainly expected something more interesting after all the hoopla and the fact that it's still around - there's another movie coming out next year.

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