Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Mali's Birthday

I made it home from Redmond, and Grandma Sue and Grandpa Del stopped by on their way home from their annual migration, so Mali got quite a celebration. No pictures, sorry. I made her choice of hamburgers, and the grandparents contributed a Turtle Pie for dessert. After dinner we played Liar's Dice until Grandpa had to leave.
Pablo&Family stopped by to wish Mali a happy birthday and dropped off presents: a new bicycle bell and a bike holder for her cell phone. She also got to open her present from DavidSusanDaltonRylin - hand delivered by me - a very cool little quilt that says: A home without pawprints is just a house. G&G gave her a set of stamp inks and some stamps, and her brother gave her a very nice wallet. She also got a cell phone and a bike, but those were already acquired, and Moose was a Christmas gift but his delivery was timed nicely around birthday time. So Mali should be a well-presented 11 year old girl.

Grandpa and Moose hit it off right away, which is unusual for Moose as he's still pretty wary of new folks. G&G also measured the kids before I got home from Washington. Andrew is 5'4", and Mali is 5' 1/2".

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