Saturday, July 07, 2007


Mali, Susy, and I went to the Beaverton Farmer's Market this morning before picking up Moose from the vet - he got snipped yesterday and spent the night there. It was a joyful reunion.
We got lots of fresh foods at the market, and I made Ratatouille (inspired by the movie) and Susy made strawberry-rhubarb pies. Pablo brought over some homemade vanilla ice cream, and Alana brought a spinach salad with raspberries and strawberries. Susy also made ham and cheese pitas - which the kids ate. Rian stayed for dinner too - it was a festive evening.
I finally dove into the raspberry jungle and picked about a gallon of raspberries - enough for Susy to make two batches of jam. We spent the afternoon in the kitchen - the kids spent theirs at the pool.

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