Saturday, December 01, 2007

Friday Movie Night for Andrew

Andrew's social studies teacher put up a list of movies in class last week. I'm not sure what the motivation for this was, the only movie Andrew remembered from the list was Remember the Titans, so I thought maybe it was supposed to be recent socially relevant movies or something. Andrew hadn't seen any of them (we're not big on social relevance here) to the amazement of his classmates. They decided to educate Andrew, and so scheduled a movie night last night.
Hailey picked him up at 5:30, and they met up with Alex at Kat's house. Andrew contributed a movie-sized package of red licorice to the festivities, and they had pizza for dinner. The movie they chose: A Walk To Remember. Andrew said that he mostly talked with his friends throughout the movie, but he seemed to have picked up the gist of it.
He called at 10:00, but was in no hurry to have me pick him up. I picked him up at 10:30, and now he's up at 6:00 here this morning so Rian can take him to time trails for swimming. Susy and I are both going for the start at 8:00.
The rest of us spent Friday hanging out. Mali and I met Susy at Marshall's to do some Christmas shopping. Moose came along and sat in the van and discovered a giant macaroon and a peanut butter cookie. (I fed him his dogfood at home before we left.) We were sure he was going to get sick, but there have been no apparent ill effects. The only difference was he seemed awfully energetic when we got home last night, and this morning there is no "I'm starving, feed me now" performance.

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