Saturday, May 31, 2008

The past two weeks:

The Scleroderma auction was fun. The theme was humor, with a comedian (David Crowe) and everything. It was really great to see folks again: Mary, Amy & Stathis, Mike, Anna & Ashley, Dave & Susan, Grandma & Grandpa. This year we did not even bid on anything, though we bought raffle tickets, and Andrew and Mali sold them again. Ashley helped, but refused to wear the hat.
We spent the night at G&G's house, took a tour of the neighbor's house for sale, then Andrew RUSHED us home so he could get his birthday present from Rian. She nicely gave him the Disney version of Scene It?, because she always wins the regular version and she thought he'd have a chance at the Disney version. Not so much - she creamed him at it anyway. Afterwards we took Rian along to GoGo's for Andrew's birthday dinner.

Mali has started soccer practices, and Andrew is swimming twice a week for swim team. They will both do the Murray Hill team again, which starts soon after school is out. They are both counting the days (10 more to go!)

I went up to Redmond for work Thursday morning (May 22) to catch a lunch meeting. I was only slightly late after it took me four and a half hours to get there! It was a good trip, and work is again both productive and fun. I returned home late Friday night and avoided the Memorial Day weekend traffic.

Memorial Day weekend was non-stop:
Saturday we had a wonderful dinner followed by a fun poker game with Rian, Jason, and Terry at their house. Jason grilled steak, chicken, and shrimp satay, and made a trifle for dessert. Andrew was the big winner at poker, so he was happy.

Sunday we were up early and driving to get to the memorial for my Grandma Lil. I spent most of the first three years of my life at her house while my dad was in Vietnam, and much summertime there later - all of it embedded in memory as the most wondrous days of my childhood. Hers was the hug I most looked forward to.
I will have to write more later about that. The memorial was in Bremerton at my cousin Liana's house. Grandma Lil was the glue that held us all together, so there was a lot of planning of next meetings and events: Jennifer's Wedding, Olympic swimming (We all hope!) and Christmas. Also talk of Tara's turn on What Not To Wear, the televised date will be much advertised here as soon as it's determined. It was really great to see everyone. We will all miss Grandma.

We came straight home afterwards and went to a big BBQ at Deborah's house.
Memorial day we slept in, the kids went to the (now open!) pool, and then we went to Paul and Nancy's house for grilled steak and chicken.

I worked Tuesday but took the rest of the week off. I finally finished painting the kid's bathroom and put up the towel rack the kids accidentally tore down.
Work is busy but again productive and fun, and Monday I fly to Ohio to help some folks sort out some computer applications for upgrade.

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