Saturday, October 28, 2006

Thursday Night Date: The Prestige

Susy and I got a night out! Since she had Friday off, we went out for dessert and a movie Thursday night. We had a great time. Dessert was at Dessert Noir, which turns out to be a bustling little cafe and bar, not just a dessert place. It was just down from the theater, where we saw The Prestige, a movie about magicians at the turn of the century, with a brief bit with Nikola Tesla, played by David Bowie.
We were home by midnight, and the kids were asleep.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi, Oregon Dad! I just found your entry about your evening out at the movies and your trip to Dessert Noir Cafe & Bar. I'm the owner of the restaurant, and I really appreciate you stopping in. I hope you've been back since and you're spreading the word about our little cafe and bar that's providing an alternative to the "chain game" in Beaverton.