Friday, June 01, 2007

From Redmond

At Dave and Susan's last night. We went looking for Dalton in Eric and Allison's backyard and discovered Susan having a glass of wine on their patio with Allison. We quickly joined them and ended up letting Eric barbecue for us while we talked of bicycling and the kids ate pizza. Very Nice - I should have taken a photo, their backyard is beautiful! I always forget about the camera phone.

This morning I had a nice phone conversation with Mali. She was already cleaning the kitchen, in honor of June 1st and the changing of the guard. She told me Soccer was fun and they didn't do much running in the heat, and she got Dairy Queen for dinner and Andrew ate pizza at Austin's. She also gave me the plan for tomorrow (it seems weird to me that tomorrow is already Saturday - probably because Monday was a holiday and now I'm up here where work is fun): Susy and she will attend Ryan's graduation brunch for half-an-hour before going to her dance recital rehearsal. Then the big excitement - Hailey's birthday party viewing of Pirates of the Caribbean 3.

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