Sunday, June 10, 2007

Mali Scores Two!

Mali played forward for the last five minutes of the game today, touched the ball four times, and scored two goals! She looked like a natural, but again they were playing a U-11 team, and they won 7-0. I was trying out my new lens, but of course missed her actual shots. Here's the celebration after her first goal. Sadly, I also missed the excited hand-flapping immediately afterwards - but only with the camera. I won't be forgetting the image of her turning around in shock, screaming and flapping her hands with excitement while running to the middle of the field to be mobbed by teammates:
Celebration after Mali's 1st goal.
Here she is, JUST before booting in Tessia's cross for her second goal:
Pre-Goal 2
Here's the celebration for goal 2:
Celebration after Mali's 2nd goal
And here's my happy girl after the game:

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