Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Soccer, Track, Blueberries, Physics

Coaches meeting tonight for Mali's soccer team. We will be practicing Wednesday and Friday nights starting in August. Same coaches as last year, and all but three of the girls return.

Andrew's track club party was also tonight. I had to leave it early, because of course the coaches meeting was at the same time. Before I left, we ate subway sandwiches, and I saw Andrew run off to the field to play football with some other tracksters.

I made it to the gym today! I went with Nancy and Alana while the kids had swim practice this morning. We're going to try for that everyday.

After we all got home I made the kids blueberry pancakes, using the blueberries Mali picked yesterday with Zoe, Hannah, and Nancy. Then this afternoon Andrew and I made blueberry sorbet. We just tried it, and it turned out good. It is about the easiest thing in the world to make. We put 4 cups of blueberries in the blender with 1 cup of low-fat buttermilk and 1/2 cup of sugar. Blend it together and put it in the freezer for a couple of hours. Yum.

Mali is sitting next to me, learning from a Mario Bro's wave action physics tutorial. You can check it out yourself at: Mario physics tutorial

Amazing. I found it from my very favorite, very active, blog:, BoingBoing

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