Sunday, June 05, 2005

On our own.

Today has been a very slow and lazy day. OregonMom has flown to San Diego for four days, and the rain has settled in. Mali and I went and played Tennis against the wall under the roof at the school for an hour. Yesterday we played at the tennis court, but kept hitting it over the practice wall. The school was much more fun - it's difficult to miss the side of the building. She is improving rapidly, and we're both having fun and getting some exercise.
Andrew has not changed out of his pajamas yet (It is only 6:30 PM). We did play some Halo2, I guess that was his exercise. And he did get some exercise helping Mali pick up his broken glass of ovaltine that Mali kicked off of the end table while stretching like a cat on the couch. I think that was it for excitement today.
We miss OregonMom. It's dinner time and we're hungry.

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