Friday, June 03, 2005

Random Reality Enhancement - thankfully.

I left a little early last night to pick Andrew up at the 6th-7th grade social at Highland so I could get a sense of what it was like. It looked like a mass of kids having fun. Andrew poked his head out the crowded doorway to tell me he had to return and find Tiana. Kind of surreal. Then Tiana walked out saying she had just been looking for Andrew, had I seen him?
I used the drive to track practice to interrogate him about the social. He said there was a little dancing, but not much. HE did not dance, of course. He just hung out with: TT and Drew, Jacob, Isabelle, Dominick, and a few other kids I don't remember.

I drove (Gas price: $2.39/g) my injured daughter to her Softball team's first tournament game, which didn't start until 7:30. Mali's friends were happy to see her, they were out in the field and they all started chearing when they saw her - more surreality. They were winning when we got there at 8:30. They ended up tied after a fairly exciting game, and we got home at 10:00.

This morning, Andrew came in as I was watching The Daily Show's take on Deep Throat. I explained Water-Gate (yesIknow) to him and we watched it again. He was very impressed. I told him he should discuss it further with his Grandma Sue, as she's the family expert on it. You can see short videos of the show here:
Link to Daily Show's Deep Throat revilry
Scroll down and select "That '70s Source", then after that, "Deep Throat Revealed" I love it!


Cory said...

The link to the daily show is unfortunately dead. Could you post one that I can get to? Thanks.

OregonDad said...

All fixed! Thanks for the word. Nice to see you here, Cory.