Wednesday, June 29, 2005


It is all quiet here, finally.
Mali was invited over to Kendal's this morning after swim practice and is still there.
Andrew just left with Olivia and Matias to go play tennis down near the pool, and they took their swimsuits. Alana and Rocio are joining them later. I may, if I get my work done. But it is so quiet! How am I supposed to concentrate? Oh yeah, easily.
No track practice tonight.
It is nice to have Olivia back home from California. Apparently she played a lot of tennis.
This Summer looks to be a good one - even if I wasn't taking it off. Two more days and counting, and I'm done until Labor Day! IamSoooOOOOooo thrilled/relieved/excitedANDcalmed all at once.

1 comment:

OregonDad said...

Hi Amy!!!! Thank you for posting, you have left my very first comment! You have to come down and see us sometime while I'm not working.