Sunday, January 22, 2006

And another thing: Movies

We continue watching Gilmore Girls, now on Season 4's DVDs, courtesy of Andrew's Carly. For some reason, we all like that show.
Before last night's GGs episode, while Andrew was out DDRing, we watched Treasure of the Sierra Madre, which I'd gotten from the library. About all we can say for it is now we can cross it off our list. It was okay for an old movie, though definitely too long. Now we know where the line "We don't need no stinkin' badges" comes from.
I much prefer Casablanca, which we own, but Susy's never been able to watch it to the end without falling asleep. I may force them all to watch The Big Sleep, which I've also requested, as I never understood it before, but apparently the DVD has an alternate, less-cut take that makes more sense than the one shown in theaters. I may have to watch it first.
Any recommendations for MUST SEE classics?
My friend Jim, of Jim and Sandy fame, who sees a lot of movies, (with Sandy - they're very cultured) once told me he had a hard time recommending movies to me, since we saw so few. Once he realized that any movie we saw in a theater could easily be the only movie we saw all year, it was tough to tell us it was one we had to see. Something about prefacing any recommendation with "If you only see one movie this year, go see..."
Though now that the kids are older, and there are more movies with spaceships and/or swordfights, we do tend to get out a bit. We all recommend Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Mali and I loved the Narnia movie, but Susy and Andrew, who saw it while in Rhode Island, liked it but weren't as thrilled by it. We have NOT yet seen the Wallace and Gromit movie, which is probably awesome and we will probably just buy it on DVD. If you've never seen them (Wallace or Gromit), then you must go. Some of my favorite moments in front of a TV set are watching the three W&G shorts - the most famous of which is "The Wrong Trousers."

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