Saturday, January 14, 2006

Still Raining. Friday.

I love the rain washing everything clean. It is the mud I despise. Luckily, we have sidewalks.
Mali spends tonight at Sara's house. Susy and I spent the evening dismantling her old bed. Tomorrow we install the new loft bed, which comes with a desk underneath.

Andrew destroyed me playing Sudoku tonight. Not sure why. He is just smart and determined to always win. We race. May have been the lone glass of wine. Not that more would have helped. It doesn't take much of a handicap for him to wipe the floor with me. He often does it without a handicap.
Andrew and I also did a chocolate tasting tonight. We went to Safeway and bought three different kinds of semi-sweet chocolate chips. Safeway's were pretty good, but the winner was Guittard, whom I'd never heard of. We didn't try Hershey's, knowing already that they tend to run slightly flavorless. Last place was an organic brand that was on sale. They tasted... healthier, somehow. Not really the desired chocolate chip flavor. Still not bad, and probably better than Hershey's. At least Hershey's has variety, but even their dark chocalate chips (I love dark chocolate! And somebody said it is healthy!) aren't as flavorful as they could be.
I couldn't sleep and went to the health club until 3:30. I realized on the way home it was probably the chocolate that kept me awake, especially since I never (rarely) eat it.

I got some new CDs from the library today, and read the lyrics to the Stones' "Gimme Shelter" for the first time. I can't believe I had no idea what that song was about, after hearing it some hundreds of times. The chorus is: "War, children, it's just a shot away." I will have to go buy Let it Bleed now.

Susy and I watched Secretary - a Very Weird movie about a strange relationship. Good acting, and interesting. Just weird, in a very non-white-bread-suburban sort of way.

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