Saturday, January 21, 2006

First basketball game

Mali scores! Mali got a rebound and calmly dribbled downcourt and threw in a bank shot like she'd done it a thousand times. Amazing. She had a couple of other good shots, but nothing fell. Her team won... I think the score was 12 to 9. We're not too careful about scorekeeping.

Andrew's day seemed very teenagerish. His friends Tiana and Kyle were over for a couple of hours working on their science project. They're evaluating the amount of electricity they can create using different fruits and vegetables. Afterwards there was a surprise party for Tiana's birthday at Isabel's house. Lots of DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) was played, and there was pizza and a spongy cake.

There was a big car accident up the hill from us, so we strolled up there to investigate. We walked up with our neighbors Dave, Gayle, and Kelsey, then spent the next couple of hours catching up with them. Everyone hibernates in the Winter, unless there's a party or something.

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