Thursday, March 06, 2008

Mali's Birthday

Mali's birthday is today. We began celebrating last night with the traditional birthday donut. This morning I thought she should open our presents to her, since tonight will be hectic. Tonight includes:
Mali's rehearsal for The Music Man until 5:00,
Andrew's track practice until ~ 5:30, and
restaurant dining with the Washington grandparents,
who are on there migration North after their month in the South in their RV. They are in Oregon today especially for Mali's birthday.
I made this early-morning-present-opening decision just as Susy got out of bed and Andrew only had four minutes before leaving for school. Still, it worked out wonderfully, and Mali loved her presents!
Andrew gave her two of the movies on her list: Sydney White (a modern Snow White remake with Mali's favorite actress: Amanda Bynes), and The Devil Wears Prada with favorite actress #2: Anne Hathaway.
Mali's big present was a Fuji Finepix digital camera - Orange: her favorite color.
Yesterday I had a brilliant idea regarding Mali's recently developed love for chewing gum. Andrew and I went to Safeway and bought every kind of sugarless gum they had, about thirty of them. Then we replaced the crisps from two bags of Snow Pea Crisps (which Mali likes) with the gum. She was weirdly surprised, and thrilled at the cavalcade of gum packages. We forgot to give her one present, so we'll do that tonight after dinner to cap off her day. (I'll tell you about it later.)


Anonymous said...

HaPpY BiRtHdAy Mali!
The Esparza Gang:)

Anonymous said...

HaPpY BiRtHdAy Mali!
The Esparza Gang:)