Saturday, March 29, 2008

Sadness - We return to San Juan, then home.

They are forcing us off the boat. We like it here, and don't want to leave.
Tomorrow (actually later today, but after I sleep) we are out of our rooms by 8:00, and off the boat by 9:00. Then we head to the airport for our 12:30 flight.

Today was a pretty good day. I was up early and ran a mile on the track while we docked. Everyone was up a little later - though still early, because we had to go through immigration this morning. Then we all went to breakfast for the first time, and met some nice folks from Illinois.
We went into Charlotte Amalie to shop and hopefully find some stone turtles for Andrew to replace the ones I lost yesterday. We haggled over fake Coach purses - more expensive than in Curacao, so we weren't too excited by them. Everything (except liquor) has been more expensive than Curacao.
Susy and the kids weren't too thrilled with the town, mostly because we walked the 2.5 miles from the boat to get there. They headed back and I walked all over town and got a nice feel for the place, and found several very pleasant spots. I walked back to the boat and took a nap with the kids up on the pool deck. Susy got us for the trivia game, then we played Bingo and ALMOST won a huge amount of money - Susy did manage to win over $80. Then we went to the farewell show, and our last dinner with the Puerto Ricans.
THEN: we bought photos and had to pack up, and we leave early in the morning. So sad!

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